Developer: Designing for 3D

February 22, 2011 | Bashers

In this article series, developers write about their line of work every Tuesday. Nikki Kuppens is game designer at Vanguard Games, which is currently wrapping up Gatling Gears.

Real 3D gameplay is what editor in chief Niels ‘t Hooft was asking for after Nintendo’s presentation of the 3DS. It was the same angle in which I was looking at the presentation of this new handheld and the first batch of games. It’s a topic that has been keeping me busy for quite some time now. Not only regarding the Nintendo 3DS, but with regard to using 3D in games in general.

JARRR develops General Conflict at Utrecht School of the Arts

January 12, 2011 | News

Students of the Utrecht School of the Arts, the school I also attended and graduated from, recently did a project with Vanguard Games as a client. The team, consisting of eight people, called itself JARRR and the game they made is called General Conflict.

A trailer for the game can be found here. Maybe it’s a little too chaotic to notice what’s actually going on, but I can assure you it’s very easy to pick up this incredibly fun and competitive game. The project’s main supervisor was Vanguard’s producer René Derks, who recently let the JARRR students pass their final exam with flying colors.

Portfolio update: living on video

January 9, 2011 | News

After redesigning my portfolio, I’ve spent quite some time working on all the things I wanted to do to present my projects in the best way possible. Until now, there was one big thing missing, though: video.

Most of the games in my portfolio have a demo or complete playable version available, but video provides a quick way to get an impression of the game without having to play it. Opposed to screenshots, video actually shows the game in action.

Unreal Championship 2: The Portrait Conflict

February 22, 2009 | Misc

You see that picture on my Twitter profile? You might recognize it from the cover of the Xbox game Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

I never even realized this coincidence until a colleague sent an image of that cover with the following message to everybody at W!Games: