
July 5, 2010 | News

I’ve been working on a redesign of my portfolio for quite some time now. After a couple of attempts, figuring out what and what not to include, it became clearer which way I wanted to go and where to put the focus. Suddenly it all kind of fell into place and I can finally say I’m happy with this new and improved version.

Although I was okay with the way my portfolio looked before, it was a little bit cluttered and maybe contained too much information. This made it harder than necessary to find and get to what a game designer’s portfolio should be all about: the games! So now there’s this convenient list of all my projects on the left side of every page. I also made sure you always have access to my contact details.

Another thing I wanted to focus on is my blog. I admit, it wasn’t updated for a long time, but that’s partly because of the way it was integrated into my portfolio prior to this complete overhaul. It was tucked away, and because I was new to blogging there was a lot of content that shouldn’t have been there in the first place. So hopefully, with a more prominent position and the lessons learned, I can give and maintain a boost to my blog. I saved all the content I wrote before, some of it will find its way here sooner or later.

So what didn’t make the cut? Well, at first I wanted my portfolio to also include my web design projects, but I found out that was exactly the reason why it all became too complicated and broad. Also, I quit making websites professionally a while ago and only do the occasional job. As I have more work and possible clients than I want to handle at any one time, I figured it wouldn’t be necessary to promote my web design abilities in my portfolio in order to attract new projects. And more importantly, my personal focus is on game design. Another thing that I left out is my game writing. I wrote hundreds of reviews, walkthroughs and other articles of which many were published, but this portfolio is not aimed at game journalism so I decided to leave all of it out. You can still find a little bit on both topics on the About page though.

Although this website is now officially online again, I still have some things to take care of. Some projects need additional visuals and downloadable assets, maybe there are other projects I did that are worth mentioning. For my blog, of course I need to get posting and I also want to look into trackbacks and tweetbacks for the comment section. But as this blog is not well known, it will probably take a while before I get the first regular comment. You can be the first!

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